The Beginning

Bhagini Nivedita Sahakari Bank Ltd.

Established on 24th March 1974, by Shri Vivek Dadhe, an eminent Chartered Accountant and his enterprising wife Mrs. Meenakshi Dadhe. They realized inherent qualities of caution, perseverance, and financial prudence of women and decided to tap this potential and established the bank “Managed by women for All”.

The bank is named after Bhagini Nivedita, disciple of Swami Vivekanand, originally an Irish woman (Margaret Noble ), who came to India and devoted her life in the service of Mankind.

“A bank that makes dreams worthwhile”, In consonance with bank’s emblem, the bank has uplifted thousands of households by inculcating in them financial discipline and by extending financial assistance on easy terms. Since inception bank is doing exemplary work of relieving poor people from the clutches of private money lenders by offering them loans at affordable interest rates.

Bhagini Nivedita Sahakari Bank Ltd.

Our Vision

Sustained purposive growth through inclusive banking and delighted stakeholders.

Our Mission

Why Bhagini Bank?

Bhagini Bank is known for Safety, Profitability and Efficiency
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    15% dividend for last 15 years

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    Audit class 'A' For last 25 Years.

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    Insurance for deposits upto 5 lac, Premium payments for Insurance by bank upto date.

Speedy Loans & Services

Easy, quick and transparent loan processing

Immediate money transfer

No penalties or charges for early repayment

Outstation Bankers Cheque facility

Interest calculation on daily reducing balance

SMS alerts

No hidden charges

Any branch banking

Better Value
Banking Experience

Business it will frequently occur that pleasures have to be repudiated and annoyances accepted. The wise man therefore always holds these matters to this principle of selection.


Report for the Year 2021

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