Financial results for last three years

Present Status
Recognized as one of the most strong and stable banks in co-operative sector achieving sustained growth.

Important Highlights as on 31-3-2024

Rs. In Crores
Sr. No. Particular 31-03-2024 31-03-2023 31-03-2022
1 Paid Up Share Capital Rs. 6.11 Rs. 6.10 Rs. 6.09
2 Reserves Rs. 257.03 Rs. 247.57 Rs. 229.38
3 Net Worth Rs. 177.23 Rs. 161.62 Rs. 218.36
4 CRAR 26.94% 24.89% 28.48%
5 Profit before provisions and contingencies Rs. 9.54 Rs. 15.18 Rs. 25.74
6 Net Profit Rs. 14.79 Rs. 20.20 Rs. 17.43
7 Deposit Rs. 971.88 Rs. 958.83 Rs. 918.38
8 Advances Rs. 600.34 Rs. 575.11 Rs. 514.45
9 Gross NPA 1.32% 1.21% 1.68%
10 Net NPA 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
11 CD Ratio 61.77% 59.98% 56.02%
12 Default's in Maintenance of CRR & SLR Reported NIL NIL NIL
13 Audit Classification 'A' 'A' 'A'